Last modified January 6, 2017

Welcome to the Docsy theme user guide! This guide shows you how to get started creating technical documentation sites using Docsy, including site customization and how to use Docsy’s blocks and templates.

What is Docsy?

Docsy is a theme for the Hugo static site generator that’s specifically designed for technical documentation sets and has a lot of best practices built in. Use Docsy to get a working and reliable documentation site up and running fast, and then get back to focusing on great content for your users. Learn more about Docsy.


Here’s where your user finds out if your project is for them.

Getting Started

What does your user need to know to try your project?


What does your user need to understand about your project in order to use it - or potentially contribute to it?

Core Tasks

What can your user do with your project?


Show your user how to work through some end to end examples.


Low level reference docs for your project.

Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to the docs

Komplett API-referance

En kort oppsummering av denne siden. Tekst kan utheves sller skrives i kursiv og kan ha flere avsnitt.